© 2025 Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners S.à r.l.

* Please read the detailed descrip­tion below before the purchase.

The Black Man­ta Wal­let Card is an easy way for you to get a pub­lic Ethereum Address to receive your secu­ri­ty tokens and store them safe­ly in the long term.


The Black Man­ta Wal­let Card is the ide­al solu­tion for stor­ing your dig­i­tal assets such as secu­ri­ty tokens based on the Ethereum Blockchain for the long term, offline and secure. The images shown here are sym­bol­ic, the actu­al prod­uct may dif­fer slight­ly in design.

Tech­ni­cal specifications

The Black Man­ta Wal­let Card has the for­mat of a stan­dard deb­it card of 85mm x 54mm. The card is made of poly­car­bon­ate, a laser imprints a pri­vate key and ETH address onto it. The pri­vate key is already sealed in a tam­per-proof way dur­ing the pro­duc­tion process. The Black Man­ta Wal­let Card is man­u­fac­tured by the Aus­tri­an State Print­ing House (Öster­re­ichis­che Staats­druck­erei) in a high-qual­i­ty pro­ce­dure, for which a patent appli­ca­tion has been filed: not a sin­gle per­son can ever see this pri­vate key.

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

What is a wallet?

A wal­let is a stor­age solu­tion for cryp­tocur­ren­cies (Bit­coin, Ethereum, etc.) and dig­i­tal assets. The Black Man­ta Wal­let Card is a high­ly secure offline stor­age solution.

What is the Black Man­ta Wal­let Card?

The Black Man­ta Wal­let Card is a pro­duc­tion of the Aus­tri­an State Print­ing House, and offers a sim­ple way to secure­ly store your dig­i­tal assets offline in form of a tam­per-proof card. High-qual­i­ty secu­ri­ty mate­ri­als and tam­per-proof fea­tures pre­vent a manip­u­la­tion of the card.

Why is the Wal­let Card more secure than oth­er stor­age solutions?

The card is pro­duced in the high-secu­ri­ty zone of the Aus­tri­an State Print­ing House with­in a sys­tem that is iso­lat­ed from the inter­net. The pri­vate key is hid­den under a manip­u­la­tion-proof seal while still in the pro­duc­tion machine and then imme­di­ate­ly erased. Nobody sees the key before the card is used. Only the user can see the pri­vate key when he or she first removes the seal.

Where can I buy the Wal­let Card?

The Wal­let Card is up for sale in our web­shop. The Wal­let Card is also avail­able in our office in Vienna.

How much does the Wal­let Card cost?

The price is 39.60 Euro, VAT included.

How is the Wal­let Card delivered?

The Wal­let Card is direct­ly sent to you by reg­is­tered mail.

In which cas­es can I use the Wal­let Card?

The Wal­let Card is an ide­al solu­tion for secure long-term offline stor­age of your dig­i­tal assets. Its char­ac­ter­is­tics make any dig­i­tal assets easy to give, trans­fer, or inher­it, as the Wal­let Card trans­forms them into a phys­i­cal good. The Wal­let Card is ide­al for those who have not had any expe­ri­ence han­dling Secu­ri­ty Tokens, cryp­tocur­ren­cies or any dig­i­tal assets so far.

Is the Wal­let Card suit­able for short-term stor­age of dig­i­tal assets?

The Wal­let Card’s pur­pose is to keep any dig­i­tal assets safe for long peri­ods of time. The Wal­let Card is not suit­able for short-term stor­age or reg­u­lar send­ing. Hard­ware wal­lets are a good alter­na­tive in this case.

Can I use the Wal­let Card for trans­ac­tions, sim­i­lar to a deb­it or cred­it card?

No, the Wal­let Card is not a cred­it or deb­it card and can not be used at POS ter­mi­nals. It nei­ther con­tains a chip nor a mag­net­ic stripe.

How can I trans­fer or sell dig­i­tal assets stored on the Wal­let Card?

Uncov­er the pri­vate key and import it into a dig­i­tal wal­let to access your dig­i­tal assets. Once you have import­ed the pri­vate key, you can trans­fer your dig­i­tal asset to oth­er address­es or an exchange account. Always make sure to secure your pri­vate key from oth­ers’ views. If you need assis­tance, you can con­tact us at any time, so that we can guide you through this process.

Which dig­i­tal assets and stan­dards are sup­port­ed by the Wal­let Card?

The Black Man­ta Wal­let Card is cur­rent­ly avail­able for all secu­ri­ty tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

What is a pri­vate key?

The pri­vate key serves as a proof of own­er­ship to the net­work. The pri­vate key signs trans­ac­tions which then are val­i­dat­ed by the net­work. With­out the pos­ses­sion of the pri­vate key, access is not possible.

What is the pri­vate key made of?

The pri­vate key is a ran­dom 256-bit num­ber. This is long set of num­bers, and the ran­dom selec­tion ensures that the same pri­vate key is not gen­er­at­ed twice. But it is very impor­tant that the ran­dom num­ber gen­er­a­tor actu­al­ly gen­er­ates ran­dom num­bers and not just pseu­do-ran­dom numbers.

Is the pri­vate key saved?

The pri­vate key print­ed on the back of the card exists exclu­sive­ly on the respec­tive Card Wal­let, there is no copy of the pri­vate key. The gen­er­at­ed key nev­er leaves the pro­duc­tion machine, and can not be viewed by employ­ees at any time. All data car­ri­ers of the machine are delet­ed at the end of a pro­duc­tion process, using secure procedures.

Can the dig­i­tal asset hold­ings of the Wal­let Cards be mon­i­tored by BMCP Con­sult­ing GmbH or the Aus­tri­an State Print­ing House?

Even the pub­lic address print­ed on the front side exists sole­ly on the Wal­let Card and is saved nowhere else. There is no way to mon­i­tor the hold­ings of the Wal­let Card.

Which pay­ment meth­ods are available?

We accept pay­ments via bank trans­fer. You can find an overview as well as fur­ther expla­na­tions on our page in the pay­ment meth­ods section.

Do I need an account?

No, you do not need an account for buy­ing a Wal­let Card.

Which per­son­al data is saved?

Name, address (for deliv­ery), e‑mail address (for order con­fir­ma­tion and invoice), IP (user and serv­er opti­miza­tion) and bank­ing details (dur­ing pay­ment process). Fur­ther infor­ma­tion can be found in our pri­va­cy notice.