© 2024 Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners S.à r.l.


We enable Star­tups to raise mon­ey with low­er costs and less fric­tion from qual­i­fied, insti­tu­tion­al and retail investors than has ever been pos­si­ble before.

By tok­eniz­ing the equi­ty or debt of a Start­up we make it easy to dis­trib­ute and man­age own­er­ship and per­form any legal­ly required investors rela­tions duties like finan­cial report­ing and div­i­dend pay­outs com­plete­ly dig­i­tal­ly. This opens up the pos­si­bil­i­ty for retail investors to make invest­ments in ear­ly stage, high­ly inno­v­a­tive and dis­rup­tive (but also risky) com­pa­nies that have tra­di­tion­al­ly only ever been acces­si­ble for Ven­ture Cap­i­tal Firms and well con­nect­ed High Net Worth Individuals.

Every hold­er of an equi­ty or debt token is able to trade it freely with any oth­er reg­is­tered and trust­ed wal­let owner.

24/7, 365 days of the year.

Blockchain nev­er sleeps. Trad­ing is pos­si­ble in a fast and ful­ly reg­u­lat­ed man­ner when­ev­er a trust­ed buy­er and sell­er find each oth­er. With “nor­mal” ear­ly stage invest­ments, trad­ing of shares only becomes pos­si­ble after a com­pa­ny goes pub­lic via an IPO or after a M&A exit. With an STO the rights to future cash flow in the form of debt or equi­ty become trad­able amongst reg­is­tered investors right away and with the pub­lic as soon as the issu­ing enti­ty decides to list the Tokens on a ful­ly reg­u­lat­ed and com­pli­ant exchange.