© 2025 Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners S.à r.l.


ideas, growth, values

Every entre­pre­neur starts with an idea. Every ven­ture starts with cap­i­tal. Every enter­prise, from the garage start­up to the glob­al cor­po­ra­tion, runs on mon­ey. In order to bring prod­ucts or ser­vices to their mar­kets, entre­pre­neurs need cap­i­tal. Sure enough, liq­uid­i­ty has always been a core busi­ness chal­lenge. Today, a Secu­ri­ty Token Offer­ing (STO) is noth­ing less than the next gen­er­a­tion Ven­ture Cap­i­tal on blockchain.


Fund Rais­ing

Pri­vate Placement

High­er Liq­uid­i­ty for Shareholders/Investors

Abil­i­ty to Sell Earlier

Low­er Costs of Fundraising

Cryp­to and Fiat accepted

Ease of Offer­ing through Passporting/”Level Play­ing Field” in EEA

Ease and low cost of exe­cut­ing duties to investors

Easy struc­tur­ing and offer­ing for future investors

“So that they can focus
on what real­ly matters ” 


We know these issues very well and have made it our mis­sion to enable Star­tups to raise mon­ey with low­er costs and less fric­tion from qual­i­fied, insti­tu­tion­al and retail investors in ways that have nev­er been pos­si­ble before. So that they can focus on what real­ly mat­ters — growing.

By tok­eniz­ing the equi­ty, debt or claims to future cash flow of a Start­up we make it easy to dis­trib­ute and man­age own­er­ship and per­form any legal­ly required investors rela­tions duties like finan­cial report­ing and div­i­dend pay­outs com­plete­ly digitally.
This opens up the pos­si­bil­i­ty for retail investors to make invest­ments in ear­ly stage, high­ly inno­v­a­tive and dis­rup­tive, there­fore poten­tial­ly very prof­itable but also risky com­pa­nies that have tra­di­tion­al­ly only ever been acces­si­ble for Ven­ture Cap­i­tal Firms and well con­nect­ed High Net Worth Individuals.

Most ear­ly stage Star­tups spend a con­sid­er­able por­tion of their time with rais­ing mon­ey. Tra­di­tion­al ways like bank cred­its and debt issuance are not an option for them. They are deal­ing with rapid growth and need addi­tion­al cap­i­tal fre­quent­ly in order to cov­er the costs of ever grow­ing staff num­bers, mar­ket­ing cam­paigns and prod­uct devel­op­ment — all nec­es­sary in order to become suc­cess­ful. We know these issues very well and have made it our mis­sion to enable Star­tups to raise mon­ey with low­er costs and less fric­tion from qual­i­fied, insti­tu­tion­al and retail investors in ways that have nev­er been pos­si­ble before.

Every hold­er of an equi­ty or debt token issued on the Black Man­ta Por­tal will be able to trade it freely 

with any oth­er reg­is­tered and trust­ed wal­let own­er on the Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Investors Por­tal as soon as the ini­tial lock-up peri­od has passed .

24/7, 365 days of the year.

nev­er sleeps.


Start­up ini­ti­ates talks with BMCP

Start­up struc­tures offer­ing with BMCP (Legal, Token & Smart Contracts)

Equi­ty, ebt, etc. is tok­enized on the Black Man­ta Portal

Mar­ket­ing cam­paign for investors

Investors sign up and under­go KYC & AML

Investors open token wallets

Token place­ment goes live and becomes vis­i­ble on the Black Man­ta Portal

Investors send Fiat, BTC or ETH to Start-Up

Place­ment Ends and tokens are dis­trib­uted to investors wal­lets (every­one is happy)

Tokens offer func­tion­al­i­ty for investors rela­tions ser­vices and duties in accor­dance with their programming

Sup­port­ed by top-tier partners