© 2025 Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners S.à r.l.

Your Gate­way to Euro­pean Cap­i­tal Markets

Bring your prod­ucts to mar­ket faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 


At Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners, we sim­pli­fy your access to Euro­pean cap­i­tal mar­kets through our cus­tomiz­able secu­ri­ti­za­tion solu­tion. By lever­ag­ing our exper­tise and infra­struc­ture, we help you trans­form your vision into a struc­tured, com­pli­ant, and investor-ready product.


With us you can:

  • Open your Europe based ded­i­cat­ed invest­ment compartment
  • Launch invest­ment prod­ucts under a reg­u­lat­ed framework
  • Gain access to a broad range of finan­cial instru­ments and markets 
  • Tap into a wider insti­tu­tion­al investor base
  • Option­al­ly, tok­enize your assets by inte­grat­ing blockchain technology

Why choose our Secu­ri­ti­za­tion Vehicle?

Designed to min­i­mize admin­is­tra­tive bur­dens and accel­er­ate your go-to-mar­ket strat­e­gy, our Lux­em­bourg-based secu­ri­ti­za­tion vehi­cle empow­ers all kinds of com­pa­nies, DAOs, foun­da­tions, and oth­er inno­va­tors to unlock new fund­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, engage investors in Europe, and achieve their goals efficiently.


Lux­em­bourg, as one of the world’s lead­ing finan­cial hubs, offers a unique com­bi­na­tion of reg­u­la­to­ry cer­tain­ty, tax neu­tral­i­ty, and entry to inter­na­tion­al mar­kets. Our secu­ri­ti­za­tion vehi­cle lever­ages these advan­tages, serv­ing as an ide­al plat­form for com­pa­nies look­ing to scale in Europe and beyond.

Stream­lined Process

Launch your prod­uct or invest­ment strat­e­gy with­in as lit­tle as one week. We han­dle all the com­plex­i­ties, so you can focus on your vision.

Access Insti­tu­tion­al Capital

Widen your investor base by offer­ing a reg­u­lat­ed ISIN prod­uct — an essen­tial step to attract­ing insti­tu­tion­al investors.

Cost-Effec­tive & Scalable

Reduce over­head by lever­ag­ing our exper­tise and infra­struc­ture, includ­ing ded­i­cat­ed invest­ment com­part­ments, draft­ing of offer­ing doc­u­men­ta­tion, and com­pre­hen­sive post-issuance services.

Seg­re­ga­tion & Flexibility

Each invest­ment com­part­ment oper­ates inde­pen­dent­ly, ensur­ing your assets and lia­bil­i­ties are ful­ly seg­re­gat­ed and pro­tect­ed from oth­ers. Tai­lor mul­ti­ple strate­gies with­in a sin­gle enti­ty to fit your unique needs.


Ded­i­cat­ed Com­part­ment Setup

Full Legal and Tax Setup:

We estab­lish your ded­i­cat­ed invest­ment com­part­ment with­in our secu­ri­ti­za­tion vehi­cle, ensur­ing com­pli­ance with Lux­em­bourg’s robust reg­u­la­to­ry frame­work and opti­miz­ing tax efficiency.

Tai­lored Offer­ing Documentation:

This includes, e.g., a pri­vate place­ment mem­o­ran­dum, sub­scrip­tion agree­ment, terms sheet, etc., which align with your spe­cif­ic needs and investor requirements.

Tech­ni­cal Infra­struc­ture (Option­al)

Secu­ri­ty Token Platform:

Our cus­tomiz­able plat­form inte­grates KYC/AML process­es, pro­vides a user-friend­ly dash­board for issuers and investors, and sup­ports seam­less onboarding.

Smart Con­tract Development:

Tai­lored pro­gram­ming for your secu­ri­ty tokens ensures secure, trans­par­ent, and effi­cient trans­ac­tions on the blockchain, automat­ing crit­i­cal process­es like div­i­dend dis­tri­b­u­tion or asset transfers.

Trad­ing Room for Sec­ondary Transactions:

Enable liq­uid­i­ty for your offer­ings through a secure mar­ket­place, allow­ing sec­ondary mar­ket trades between your investors.

Post-Issuance Man­age­ment

Sec­ondary Mar­ket Listings:

We can facil­i­tate option­al sec­ondary mar­ket list­ings on Euro­pean stock exchanges to pro­vide your investors with fur­ther liq­uid­i­ty and access to broad­er mar­kets by lever­ag­ing our exten­sive part­ner network.

Ongo­ing Operations:

This includes day-to-day man­age­ment, such as account­ing, reg­u­la­to­ry report­ing, and Net Asset Val­ue (NAV) cal­cu­la­tions, etc., ensur­ing com­pli­ance and oper­a­tional transparency.


At Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners, our stream­lined exe­cu­tion process ensures your secu­ri­ti­za­tion project is com­plet­ed effi­cient­ly, effec­tive­ly, and in full com­pli­ance with Lux­em­bourg’s reg­u­la­to­ry stan­dards. From the moment you engage with us, we work as your cen­tral part­ner, man­ag­ing every step of the jour­ney from bring­ing your con­cept to mar­ket to post-launch operations.


Whether you are launch­ing an inno­v­a­tive finan­cial prod­uct or your next token, our goal is to let you focus on what you do best, while our team of finan­cial, legal, and tech­ni­cal experts take care of every­thing else.


If you con­sid­er to open your ded­i­cat­ed invest­ment com­part­ment with us, please let us know the fol­low­ing details:

Mau­rice Tracey

Man­ag­ing Director

BMCP Secu­ri­ties S.à r.l.



Oscar Riegler

Vice Pres­i­dent

BMCP Secu­ri­ties S.à r.l.

